About Me
I've spent the last 15 years of covering the consumer market as a writer, editor, and editorial strategist. You might have seen my work in USA Today, AOL, Reviewed, Footwear Insight, Footwear News, Lattice, Complex, or in a number of other outstanding outlets, including several university alumni magazine and in the newsletter for beloved local CSA program. (Niche but important.)
I started my career covering shoes, a happy accident that brought me to plenty of places I expected (factories, trade shows, stores, New York Fashion Week) and even more I didn't (a yurt, curling on Olympic ice, boat
cruises, and the NYSE). In the years since, I've dived into home and wedding content, gift guides, deals, appliances, human interest stories, and human resources best practices, among others.
To get the story, I've tested product,
interviewed shoppers, moderated panels, sweated with athletes, grilled CEOs, and cornered
celebrities at parties. I've also delved deep into SEO strategy and affiliate writing best practices, set editorial strategies, and managed teams of exceptional writers and editors.
I have strong opinions about what makes a good
product; what makes a good headline; what makes a good plan; and when you should pay full price.
(Virtually never.)
Educationally speaking, I have a B.A. from Georgetown University and an M.A. from New
York University. Personally speaking, I live outside Chicago with her kids, her husband, and
an unruly hound. Recreationally speaking, I like long walks, my garden, mystery novels, and sending my neighbors home with soup.